Update for the 2024-2026 Season
How to Become an NHVOA Volleyball Official
Apprentice ProgramThe goal of the NHVOA Apprentice Program is to prepare officials to become certified to officiate NHIAA matches using National Federation High School Volleyball Rules and NHIAA officiating protocols.
Generally, candidates who have no volleyball experience go through a two-year process to become certified. At the discretion of the NHVOA Apprentice Chairperson, candidates with previous volleyball and officiating experience may take one year or less to become certified The NHVOA Assignor will assign apprentices to sub-varsity matches (freshmen and middle school) to officials who are enrolled in the apprentice program. Officials who successfully pass the apprentice program are placed on probationary status for one year. An official’s rating and probationary status will be reviewed and may be adjusted at the end of each season. Transfer from another NFHS OrganizationTransfer From Another NFHS OrganizationOfficials who currently have a certification from another NFHS (National Federation High School) Volleyball Organization must complete the following:
Transfer from Other OrganizationsOfficials who currently have certifications from USAV, PAVO, or other Volleyball Organizations may be certified to officiate NHIAA volleyball matches within a year at the discretion of the apprentice chair. Candidates would need to complete and send an application and provide the following information:
Complete the Online Application |
Enrollment process
equipment listApprentices will receive the following referee tools:
You will need the following items in order to officiate