NHVOA In-Season Clinic Agenda and Links
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 9 AM – 11:00 AM
Please find the agenda for this Sunday's Mid-Season Clinic.
Attendance to this clinic is not mandatory, but recommended.
The clinic runs from 10 AM –11:30 AM and will be held in the NHTI Gymnasium
10:00 Welcome
Update from Assigner
Update from Supervisor
10:15 Line Judges Clinic*
10:45 Mechanics’ Clinic
Tracking alignment
R2 signals
11:00 Dealing with the scorer’s table
Rosters and Lineups
Libero Trackers
How to score- training the new scorer
11:15 Issues, concerns, questions
Please review, download and print a copy of the Line Judge duties and Signals from the www.NHVOA.net website: (bring a copy with you to the clinic). Here are the links:
Line Judge Responsibilities
Line Judge Signals
NFHS Scoring Tips
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 9 AM – 11:00 AM
Please find the agenda for this Sunday's Mid-Season Clinic.
Attendance to this clinic is not mandatory, but recommended.
The clinic runs from 10 AM –11:30 AM and will be held in the NHTI Gymnasium
10:00 Welcome
Update from Assigner
Update from Supervisor
10:15 Line Judges Clinic*
10:45 Mechanics’ Clinic
Tracking alignment
R2 signals
11:00 Dealing with the scorer’s table
Rosters and Lineups
Libero Trackers
How to score- training the new scorer
11:15 Issues, concerns, questions
Please review, download and print a copy of the Line Judge duties and Signals from the www.NHVOA.net website: (bring a copy with you to the clinic). Here are the links:
Line Judge Responsibilities
Line Judge Signals
NFHS Scoring Tips